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Li Jieqiong

Li Jieqiong, PhD
Daisy Lee is an associate professor and Master Tutor at School of Art and Communication of Beijing Technology and Business University. She is the deputy director of the Research Center for Business Journalism and one of the directors of the Chinese Association for Journalism and Mass Communication. She was awarded her PhD degree on Communication studies at Peking University in 2012. Her expertise research is history and theory of journalism and communication. Her current research interests focus on the transformation of the existing journalism driven by the data technology.
Expertise research:
Journalism Theory; Communication Theory; History of Journalism and Communication; Applied Journalism
Educational Experience:
2001-2005: School of Journalism and Communication at Peking University, Journalism BA;
2001-2005:Center for Economic Research at Peking University, second bachelor's degree in Economics
2005-2007: School of Journalism and Communication at Peking University, Communication MA;
2008-2012: School of Journalism and Communication at Peking University, Communication PhD.
International Exchange Experience:
2009.8~2009.10: School of Journalism and communication, Taiwan Cultural University;
2010.9~2011.9: Institute of Sociology, Ryukoku University.