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Xie Xueyan

Xie Xueyan

Research and Professional Experience:

Xie Xueyan is a lecturer and Master Supervisor in Finance at Department of Finance, School of Economics, Beijing Technology and Business University (BTBU), China. She received her PhD degree from Tsinghua University in the year of 2013. Her research focuses on deposit insurance system and banking management. She has published extensively on topics related to the transforming from the implicit deposit insurance system to the explicit deposit insurance system. She was the leading researcher of the Projects of “Research on the transforming from the implicit deposit insurance system to the explicit deposit insurance system in China”.
Courses Taught:
Security Investment/Financial Markets and Institutions (for undergraduate students)
Banking Management (for Master degree candidates) 
Academic Books
1.Research on the transforming from the implicit deposit insurance system to the explicit deposit insurance system in China (in Chinese), China Economic Science Publishing House,2014.

Academic Papers
1. ‘‘The moral risk of deposit insurance system and countermeasure: lessons from the experience of the United States’, Journal of International Economic Cooperation, 2013(2). (in Chinese).

2. ‘‘A review of the Deposit Insurance system in the USA”, Insurance Research, 2012(11). (in Chinese)
3. “Research on the Transformation from the Implicit Deposit Insurance System to the Explicit Deposit Insurance System in the perspective of the Economic Transition in China”, Journal of Chinese Finance and Accounting Monthly, 2016(18) (in Chinese).
4. ‘‘Research on the Transforming from the Implicit Deposit Insurance System to the Explicit Deposit Insurance System in the perspective of the Economic Transition in China: based on the North State Theory, Journal of Chinese Finance and Accounting Monthly, 2017(1) (in English).
1.“A comparative study on the business pattern of cross-border electricity business”(Number:JD-YB-2016-006), leading researcher, Project of Circulation Base of Beijing of BTBU, (Number:JD-YB-2016-006).
2. “Transforming from the implicit deposit insurance system to the explicit deposit insurance system in China”(Number:QNJJ2014-12), leading researcher, Start-up Projects for Young Teachers, BTBU.
Contact Points:
E-mail: xxyhello@126.com.